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Just wondering if it was possible to block the following moves.
Barabus's special foot stomp.
Elite strikers cannonball.
Erm. Definately no on the Earthquaker. Not sure on the cannonball.
Iritscen: it's amazing this program even works
Gumby: i know
Iritscen: and that statement applies to my code, not just yours
DSK Can cancel a Cannonball (its the only thing that does aside from a throw IIRC), but there's no stopping an Earthquaker.
You can use cartwheel escape move to block or dodge 'Cannon ball'.
The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Just wondering if it was possible to block the following moves
Barabus's special foot stomp - it is unblockable, damage from animation (you are very close and Barabus stomps on you) can be nullified by doing some move which grants temporary invulnerability (DSK, RFF, getup animations etc..) but you CANNOT nullify shockwave. Shockwave can be absorbed by blue shield (recently hated by me for intimate purposes ^_^)
Elite strikers cannonball - unblockable again, but this time nullification by doing some temporary-invulnerable move works like a charm. DSK is best for nullifying it in my opinion.
Generally, in new version of combat system (in process of creating) I plan to make as much moves blockable as possible. Some attacks will remain unblockable, but I will try to reduce its usefulness somehow to prevent spamming. Also, invulnerability windows will be shortened again (this was done in previous version of my combat system, which is now part of Anniversary edition)
Last edited by Loser (06/20/08 04:06)
"I am just a mere reflection of what I would be."
I didn't think they could be blocked. Logic would dictate that you could just over a shockwave and that crouching would allow you to block a connonball but no
The backwards cartwheel has a nice invulnerability window, IIRC.
Iritscen: it's amazing this program even works
Gumby: i know
Iritscen: and that statement applies to my code, not just yours
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