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Hey guys!
Just a little update. I've been busy in real life in last few months so I haven't worked much in this project. I've got now some spare time and I'm working now a bit more in this.
I've just choose a name for this project: Omega Tournament.
Here's a new screenshot:
Lava pit? Classic
I wonder if you could make the zone near the ring out dangerous ... burning their feet if they stay at that zone.
Keep it going !
Last edited by paradox-01 (07/11/17 14:07)
I wonder if you could make the zone near the ring out dangerous ... burning their feet if they stay at that zone.
hehe that's the idea.
Last edited by s10k (07/11/17 15:07)
Hey guys!
I'm still working in the level, right now I am finishing the third arena.
In the last months I have also been working recording some videos while working in the level as you can see:
I hope to show you more once I make more progress.
Last edited by s10k (10/19/17 17:10)
This looks like it will be really helpful, thanks for taking the time to document your steps.
Check out the Anniversary Edition Seven at!
Third arena is finished.
I'm going to start now the fourth arena.
This fourth arena will be based of in the following ltemplar's suggestion:
Well ..whey not create multi level arena then? For example you start on roof kick your opponent down he fell a level bellow, then go by stairs(or jump down) and continue the fights. You can also add some destroyable obstacles (glass) which can hurt the unfortunate victim that fell into it.
Damn fighting bsl limitations is hard. You sure do that you are pushing it to the limits when you start receiving SLiSchedule_Task_Find FAILED [IMPORTANT] errors.
You might try saving the glass as separate env files and replace them each round.
In the xml file import the glass like this:
<Import Path="glass.dae"> ... </Import>
Then in the bsl:
env_show 1 0
So I have been planning this new arena. And I am thinking in adding some glass like ltemplar suggested.
I've tried to see if in fact it is possible to restore the glass or not without creating duplicated glass objects. And look what I have found:
Yup! The engine natively supports restoring the glass objects as much as we want!! This is great for my new arena.
You just need to use env_show obj_id 1 and it will restore the glass.
Nice find about restoring the glass.
I listened to this today:
I think it could fit pretty well in the level soundtrack.
Good news I fixed the crashes on this last arena. It was crashing when a blue or red striker fought. I fixed it by cleaned some level0 old files that I had in my level0 folder. So as rule of thumb always clean up of your level files when you are getting unexpected crashes.
The next step is work in the bonus and extra stuff.
Last edited by s10k (12/11/17 17:12)
So you're not modding using a package?
Check out the Anniversary Edition Seven at!
No. That takes too much time to install each time I change anything.
I have a level0 and level31 folders with oni files and I do the conversion using onisplit from onis to dat files directly (if I changed only level31 files I will only convert the level31 to dat which is a really fast operation).
I will only create the package for the release.
Note: I have only a small AEI package right now which is for XmlTools patches necessary for my level, and I only install it one time. Then the files modified are moved for my level0 and level31 which I mentioned above.
Hmm, currently the AEI will only rebuild levels that have had their package selection change, but I don't think it knows when a package's contents have changed. If it did, you would only have to switch over to the AEI and hit Install again, and it would rebuild just level 0 and/or level 31 as needed. If you have any suggestions along these lines, let me know. Modding by package is much cleaner and easier to manage, so I want the AEI to be a useful part of a modder's workflow so that they feel inclined to use it.
Check out the Anniversary Edition Seven at!
If it did, you would only have to switch over to the AEI and hit Install again, and it would rebuild just level 0 and/or level 31 as needed. If you have any suggestions along these lines, let me know. Modding by package is much cleaner and easier to manage, so I want the AEI to be a useful part of a modder's workflow so that they feel inclined to use it.
That looks nice to me. It would also save me time to build the package in the final since you are building a package since the beginning.
I think you could detect if the package has changed with the following info:
- number of files of the package in the last installation vs number of files in the current installation
- modified date of all files of the package in the last installation vs modified date of all files in the current installation
- md5 (or any other hash of your choice) of all files of the package in the last installation vs md5 of all files in the current installation
If any of the conditions above for any file differs from previous installation you know that the package contents have been changed (and then proceed to the re-installation).
You would need to save the previous installation information somewhere (maybe sqlite or even a file).
Okay, good suggestion. I'm going to add this to Bugs and see if Alloc wants to work on it.
Check out the Anniversary Edition Seven at!
Btw feel free to suggest free music that you feel that will fit this level (arena / fighting music).
Here is the artist that I used for Old China, hopefully you can some music that fits your arena.
Thanks I will check those!
Ok guys so new track for Omega: … 0k_Mix.mp3
Don't be surprised that is trance like since I nowadays listen much to this genre.
Original track is Orchestra Electronica by Nibana. Great great producer!
P.S.: License is Creative Commons for noncommercial usage. License here. Got from here.
Last edited by s10k (12/16/17 16:12)
Hey guys!
I am sorry for not saying nothing for all this time about this project.
I had some big changes in my personal life, I moved to another country and I started to work in there.
This project has been stalled since December of 2017 up to the two previous weeks, yes I have resumed the work on this project (this was always my intention but with the big changes on my life I wasn't mentally prepared to do any work on this).
Now I am finally starting to stabilize my life so I feel that I can work again in this project.
I already made some nice progress in last two weeks (but I just worked about 3 / 4 days on those).
Hopefully I will have something nice to show you soon.
Last edited by s10k (06/17/18 15:06)
Hey guys!
So I have some amazing news about this project.
I have finished all the arenas for the level! The gameplay is also working as I intended.
So what's missing now?
Well I was thinking in adding a boss to the level, so it may even be a new character or a modified one. If I decide to include the boss character this may take some more time (months, just for the boss character) since I never worked with characters modding.
After that I want to add some extras, add some cut scenes and maybe some extra music.
Then do the final adjustments (add intro, end screens etc) and do some mac os testing.
I would say that it is around 80% complete by now.
Anyway you should hear more news soon! I am very happy for all the progress on last few months.
Glad to hear it, keep up the good work!
Check out the Anniversary Edition Seven at!
After being idle for quite sometime (real life has been delivering, especially since I moved countries), I have news about this project.
I finished the boss character!
So at the moment I have been working in the extras (just started), I want to add the cutscenes, probably some extra music and finally the final adjustments (add intro, end screens etc).
I would say that it is now +-90% complete.
If everything goes smoothly (I will also start learning a new language soon, so this may take some time from me again), I should be able to have the level finished in a couple of months.