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This is the Oni Roleplay character creation page. In this thread, you are only allowed to post your character's details. You are not allowed to make more than one character, unless your character had permanently died (and agreed upon with the GMs). If you didn't read the rules yet, you can read them here.
In order to keep everything neat and organized, copy the following text, enter your character's information, and post it as a reply (Do not remove any tags, just fill in the information):
[b]Character name:[/b] *Your character's name*
[b]Age:[/b] *Your character's age*
[b]Height:[/b] *Your character's height*
[b]Basic appearance:[/b] *Your character's basic appearance*
[b]Clothes/armour:[/b] *Your character's clothes/armour*
[b]Special powers/skills:[/b] *Your character's special powers/skills*
You could conceal your character's age, but you are not allowed to conceal their full name or their powers/skills. The basic appearance could also be concealed, but only if your character has a full set of armour on at all times (like Mukade). Please describe your character briefly but with enough detail to understand the character's appearance. An image of your character is highly recommended, and encouraged to be made using this website. An image of your character would greatly help others understand your character's appearance. You may not make an overpowered or significant character, and you may not use an already-existing one. Your character may have chrysalis inside him/her, but he/she may not be near the Imago stage. Powers/skills must be fair; slow healing rate (daodan) or lockpicking (regular skill) are examples of powers/skills you may have. Your character may only have 3 powers/skills in total. Also - no overpowered weapons; you may use existing weapons in the game, and you may make up new ones, but they have to be fair and be consistent with your character. You may pick any side, and even change your sides during your character's life (if the change is approved by the GMs). You could choose to work for the TCTF, Syndicate, BGI, alone and even for a newly created corporation (you must describe it it detail). Special powers (whether daodan or regular skills will only help you in roleplay, and will not give you any advantage in battle (unless previously stated and agreed upon by the GMs).
When you are complete, you can move on to the roleplaying thread and get started.
Respect others and have fun!
Last edited by Striker (01/09/12 23:01)
Eh, lets get this ball rolling
Character name: *Jan Walker*
Age: *27*
Height: *6' 5"*
Basic appearance: *Unshaven, thin*
Clothes/armour: *Gray-brown short-sleeve shirt, Baseball cap, dark gray scarf (For placement over mouth/Makeshift air filter), (Stolen) TCTF kevlar under shirt*
Special powers/skills: *No powers/No Chrysalis, skilled sniper, semi-experienced hacker*
Since the "Hero Creator" thing creates characters that are 1000% times more masculine than I want, and since it is a bitch to work with, I will use a picture of a character from a certain PS3 exclusive that I partially based mine off of to give you an idea of what my character looks like:
Last edited by Valkyrur (01/08/12 22:01)
Character name: *Janus*
Age: *22*
Height: *5'8*
Basic appearance: *Thin, long hair, tan skin*
Clothes/armour: *White Shirt, black hoody, black camo pants, yellow shades*
Special powers/skills: *Mechanic, can use simple weapons*
Oni IRC | Kumite! Kumite! Kumite!
Character name: Malcolm Washburn
Age: 38
Height: Five foot eight inches, or 1.7 meters.
Basic appearance:
Clothes/armour: Tan military uniform, Brown overcoat, shoulder armor, two pistols, and a pouch of explosives.
Special powers/skills: Daodan. Daodan enhanced senses, pistol marksman, explosives training.
Last edited by TheCreature (02/06/12 15:02)
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. Promoting the IRC and stuff for the RP: Rules Dice Map and RP
Character name: *Jeff Connors*
Age: *27*
Height: *5'9*
Basic appearance: *Slightly tanned Caucasian, built figure, short brown hair, brown eyes*
Clothes/armour: *Syndicate-issued battle-worn hoplite striker armour and an open-mouth helmet. Helmet has small dent on left side. Portable air and water filters inside a belt pouch*
Special powers/skills: *Skilled hand-to-hand fighter, weapon marksman, hardware technician*
Appearance of a regular hoplite striker: see avatar.
Last edited by Striker (02/06/12 17:02)
Last edited by Windy (01/17/12 10:01)
Character name: *Jin Nagawa*
Age: *24*
Height: *6 feet 2 inches*
Basic appearance: *Same as photo*
Clothes/armour: *Stereotypical detective wear (khaki trench coat, black pants, black shoe's, blue tie, black suspenders and white long sleeved dress shirt*
Special powers/skills: *Strong intelligence, skilled at use with a revolver, able to easily analyze a situation and diffuse it accordingly*
[NOTE: This wasn't drawn by me, it's a dropped concept design for a Persona 4 character who represents what i think what my character looks like well. All credit goes to the original artist(s).]
Last edited by kyletm57 (02/01/12 21:02)
Character name:*
Special powers: *Physical attacks pass right through(defencive power), Brainwashing attackers into joining her side (attacking power), Healing (can heal friend and foe)*
Not to be rude but your powers are a bit overpowered compared to the rest of us, might want to nerf it... like the Physical attack and brainwashing one. The healing is alright, would cost some AP but it could work.
Oni IRC | Kumite! Kumite! Kumite!
Character name: Saru
Age: 20
Height: 1 m and 60 cm, six feet.
Basic appearance: SLD, mostly human but with some internal machine parts aswell as rods sticking out of the back that has two functions: 1: Providing a rechargable energy supply, 2: Helps to maintain speed and balance when turning while running or climbing. The rods can become hazardus if ill maintained.
Clothes/armour: White armour resembling a syndicate ninja but without a gas mask nor a voice changer.
Special powers/skills: SLD created by BGI that specialises in climbing and acrobatics to scale the large buildings of the city, has a highly mobile skelleton. Also programmed to be a very skilled medic with intel about different viruses that the polluted atmosphere has created. BGI created custom made brain engrams in order for the SLD to think for itself and choose actions that benefits the AI's survival, however errors can occur when the SLD's artifical emotions are conflicting with one another.
-I noticed that the hackers of oni community made a lot of modifications before they locked me up, do you have any idea what they want with an old game? -Modifications? What kind of modifications?
-Hard to tell, without getting a look at things but it looks like they're repurposing it. -Why?
-Beats me, all the game has is brutal melee combat and furious gunplay. -I dont like the sound of that.....
Character name: Vincent Black
Age: 31
Height: 5'7"
Basic appearance:
Clothes/armour: Average clothing and TCTF standard issue, has access to BlackOps equipment/armor
Special powers/skills: Natural leader, Skilled Tactician, Partial synthetics in left leg...
"I used to make Warehouse raids, but then I took a bone-shattering kick to the knee..."
Here take this hypo!
Bozzman, you said it wrong !
Last edited by Windy (01/17/12 10:01)
Character Name: Rich Irons
Age: 27
Height 5.9”
Basic Appearance- Dark brown hair and brown eyes. Average male. Not ripped, but in shape. Has a five ‘o’clock shadow.
Clothes/armour – TCTF medic fatigues. Rich sometimes has access to light armor (depending on which unit he is assigned to). Carries standard TCTF auto-pistol, and small med kit regularly.
Special powers/skills- Proficient in medical aid. Has basic TCTF training in hand to hand and firearms.
Additional information- Has known and worked with Vincent Black for many years.
Rough sketch
Also, it is important to note Rich has an infatuation with Chinese dumplings
Character name: *Micah Tal *
Age: * 29 *
Height: * 5'6" *
Basic appearance: * Wiry build, only 140 pounds, not suited for brute strength combat, but gives him an edge in acrobatic skills. Pale skinned, dark brown eyes, dark brown hair, shoulder length, with a slight, natural curl at the end, pulled back into a tight ponytail. High cheekbones, but otherwise very average facial features. Short goatee and mustache. *
Clothes/armour: * Black Jeans, and T-Shirt, running shoes. custom-made, long, dark leather jacket, with plenty of pockets, both obvious and hidden. *
Special powers/skills: * Proficiency with blades, including knives, throwing knives, and swords. Skilled with computers (self taught, no official training). Stealth training (This, coupled with his build makes him a natural acrobat. Things such as climbing, but nothing as impressive as jump flips.) *
Last edited by Mukade (02/06/12 17:02)
"He looks mean enough to tear my arm off and beat me to death with it. In fact, he looks mean enough to tear his OWN arm off and beat me to death with it."
Character name: *Sgt Stevo*
Age: *35*
Height: *6' 5"*
Basic appearance: *shaven, strong and fit*
Clothes/armour: *Full red camo with trousers and Jacket (Not long sleeves) Red camo cap. Black boots and black gloves. With Steel armour shoulder pads and knee pads.*
Special powers/skills: *skilled sniper, semi-experienced hacker, good with basic weapons.*
Last edited by Qezor (02/16/12 13:02)
Pages: 1