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JA...and then um...Iritscen fired the new employee called tctf konoko for incompetence...? ANd um Shade started a topic that would make Gumby angry and that he would be fired but he wasnt so we just kept talking and um We made some like Gumby facts and how you call memes ancient memes and how weegee wasnt a meme and Now ur BACK!
Oni IRC | Kumite! Kumite! Kumite!
Please don't associate my name with your spam.
Iritscen: it's amazing this program even works
Gumby: i know
Iritscen: and that statement applies to my code, not just yours
If all that was just a simulation, I wonder what the real thing is like...
Well jeez. Does it really inconvenience you guys that much to see a post that doesn't relate to the hypothetical alternate ending of Oni?
If we don't change the direction we're going, we'll likely end up where we're headed.
No, just when it happens to half the topics on the board.
Iritscen: it's amazing this program even works
Gumby: i know
Iritscen: and that statement applies to my code, not just yours
Makes sense. I just happened to find that particular spam charming somehow, so I guess I was biased.
So... How about that ending, eh? What if... Actually, I dug the regular ending. Makes for an interesting setting for a potential sequel.
If we don't change the direction we're going, we'll likely end up where we're headed.
hmm probably and yea i dont know what alan meant when he made this sound like a grocery store. Yea if u dont know the meme oxe u know is my 2 doors away neighbor. And i was gone from this since 2008. But i kinda "borrow" his internet
Oni IRC | Kumite! Kumite! Kumite!
that whole paragraph didnt make a lick of sense
"He looks mean enough to tear my arm off and beat me to death with it. In fact, he looks mean enough to tear his OWN arm off and beat me to death with it."