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when i was fooling around in the atmospheric processors today, i was flying around with the cameramod ( not sure of its name but it's in dev mode) and i noticed a strange little empty room??? out of the boundries of the leven with nothing around it! anyone know what's it for?
i was just curious:P
Might just be the room in which the first cutscene takes place.
It is, someone posted that sometime ago
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There's quite a few games that do that; I remember finding a cutscene room in the first level of Star Wars: Jedi Outcast. It was kind of neat because the characters (from the scene) were in there, and whatever weapon you were currently holding, the Kyle Katarn model would also hold.
Never insult seven people when you only have a six-shooter.
uhuh i know what you mean! the chamber of some commander or something in witch he and hi's m8 are talking right? i remember that:P
Something i always asked myseld, what the hell is the huge shinatama doing in the dreamlab? does she has any purpose to the story of the game or is it just there doing nothing and making no sense?
I believe the purpose is to generally freak you out.
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