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#426 04/24/10 21:04

From: Karatu, Arusha, Tanzania
Registered: 04/18/10

Re: Movies

Mukade wrote:

As promised to Paff, here it is: my combo video


This is my first upload to youtube, pretty much the first video ive made, so tell me what you think smile



#427 04/25/10 01:04

From: Seattle, WA, USA
Registered: 08/30/07

Re: Movies

Mukade wrote:

Thank you very much,

Yeah, shadowstep although it's less effective on computers then you would think... since they know where you're going. Would be much more effective IRL or on multiplayer. It had a huge impact on the ninja's effectiveness and my own fighting style, I was overjoyed when that was released smile

Actually, when I start to get more serious about animation, I might consider making a new character that has many moves that rely on "teleporting" and being hard to hit.

I might consider making another video, and hopefully, I might improve on it and come up with new ideas

Oh I know. I have had the ninjas pull some sick moves on me with it though (dash back and forth through me, then attack). Ahhh the wonders of Oni's AI.

...sadly, it only gives me more reason to fear ninjas. The best way to beat them I've found is to be on the defensive, and I get too bored for that. neutral

Iritscen: roll
Iritscen: it's amazing this program even works
Gumby: i know
Iritscen: and that statement applies to my code, not just yours


#428 04/25/10 12:04

From: Ottawa, Ontario - Canada
Registered: 05/29/07

Re: Movies

yeah, I find they always kick my booty, especially that cloaked pair on Dream Lab

"He looks mean enough to tear my arm off and beat me to death with it. In fact, he looks mean enough to tear his OWN arm off and beat me to death with it."


#429 04/25/10 12:04

From: Michigan, USA
Registered: 12/15/09

Re: Movies

That's why I prefer to kill them with Mercury bow or SBG. big_smile

The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination.  Promoting the IRC and stuff for the RP: Rules Dice Map and RP


#430 04/25/10 13:04

From: Ottawa, Ontario - Canada
Registered: 05/29/07

Re: Movies

Awww, whered the fun in that  wink

"He looks mean enough to tear my arm off and beat me to death with it. In fact, he looks mean enough to tear his OWN arm off and beat me to death with it."


#431 04/25/10 15:04

From: Michigan, USA
Registered: 12/15/09

Re: Movies

It's fun when there are about three of them, plus four elite strikers, and maybe a fury or two.  And they're all shooting back at me with black adders.  If it's only one or two ninjas, I take 'em on hand to hand.

The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination.  Promoting the IRC and stuff for the RP: Rules Dice Map and RP


#432 04/25/10 18:04

From: Ottawa, Ontario - Canada
Registered: 05/29/07

Re: Movies

Agreed, theres also little fun in being massacred

"He looks mean enough to tear my arm off and beat me to death with it. In fact, he looks mean enough to tear his OWN arm off and beat me to death with it."


#433 04/30/10 02:04

From: Karatu, Arusha, Tanzania
Registered: 04/18/10

Re: Movies

Well, I think I'm probably going to make a combo video also - I'd feel bad just mooching off the community without making anything in return, and it should be a fun project I think.

And I haven't done any video stuff before, so I made a small/quick Oni video and uploaded it to YouTube for a bit of practice. I think it's kind of fun, so hopefully you guys will enjoy it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN7dX54fH6s

And finally, I've created a YouTube playlist for Oni combo videos and the like: http://www.youtube.com/user/paff0A#g/c/6F27CD0593A82E99 , to hopefully make it easier for people to find such things. There are still some parkour videos and so on that I haven't added yet, though, but it should become more complete over the next few days.


#434 05/02/10 17:05

From: Karatu, Arusha, Tanzania
Registered: 04/18/10

Re: Movies

Made another video - this one just explains a couplea weapon techniques: http://www.youtube.com/user/paff0A#p/a/u/0/EJ_FpuAAzKQ .


#435 05/02/10 18:05

From: Seattle, WA, USA
Registered: 08/30/07

Re: Movies

You should know that that bug is removed in the beta version of the Daodan (and possibly the Mac binary too).

Iritscen: roll
Iritscen: it's amazing this program even works
Gumby: i know
Iritscen: and that statement applies to my code, not just yours


#436 05/02/10 18:05

From: Karatu, Arusha, Tanzania
Registered: 04/18/10

Re: Movies

Gumby wrote:

You should know that that bug is removed in the beta version of the Daodan (and possibly the Mac binary too).

So, in the next AE release you mean? (I'm still unfamiliar with all of the different mod platforms and so on.)

And relatedly, is/will there be a way to play with Oni AE/mods without having such things removed? I really enjoy discovering and using game mechanics like those - they add a lot of interesting complication to the basic game mechanics, and open up new areas of skill (becoming more coordinated at firing while cartwheeling, et cetera).

And one final note - are there other bugs/mechanics such as that that have already been removed?

In all seriousness, this issue might be enough to make it difficult for me to choose between AE and vanilla.


#437 05/05/10 17:05

From: Ottawa, Ontario - Canada
Registered: 05/29/07

Re: Movies

not bad for a first try paff, you should try downloading Leus's Zen Garden Mod, you can choose how many enemies you fight and many other settings, its very good for making vids

A bit jealous... your video was out half as long as mine or less and you still got quite a few more views than me sad

Not to be competitive or anything but anyone that missed my previous link because of all the talk after heres the link....

"He looks mean enough to tear my arm off and beat me to death with it. In fact, he looks mean enough to tear his OWN arm off and beat me to death with it."


#438 05/05/10 19:05

From: NC, USA
Registered: 10/22/07

Re: Movies

Paff wrote:
Gumby wrote:

You should know that that bug is removed in the beta version of the Daodan (and possibly the Mac binary too).

So, in the next AE release you mean? (I'm still unfamiliar with all of the different mod platforms and so on.)

Yes, I think Gumby means the Daodan that isn't released yet.  And the fix is in the currently-distributed Mac app.

And relatedly, is/will there be a way to play with Oni AE/mods without having such things removed? [..] this issue might be enough to make it difficult for me to choose between AE and vanilla.

It shouldn't.  Bugs like the mercury bow exploit cause balancing issues, and will be an especially big problem in multiplayer.  However, that's the only fix of that sort that is built into the Daodan and the Mac game app.  Any other changes to gameplay in the AE are optional.

Check out the Anniversary Edition Seven at ae.oni2.net!


#439 05/05/10 20:05

From: Karatu, Arusha, Tanzania
Registered: 04/18/10

Re: Movies

Mukade wrote:

not bad for a first try paff, you should try downloading Leus's Zen Garden Mod, you can choose how many enemies you fight and many other settings, its very good for making vids

A bit jealous... your video was out half as long as mine or less and you still got quite a few more views than me :(

Not to be competitive or anything but anyone that missed my previous link because of all the talk after heres the link....

Cool, I'll try the Zen Garden mod out sometime. Thanks.

Yeah, in terms of views, I think you got hosed by the page change. Also, it might be a good idea to post your video to the Oni YouTube group, in case anyone checks there but not here.

Iritscen wrote:

It shouldn't.  Bugs like the mercury bow exploit cause balancing issues, and will be an especially big problem in multiplayer.

Sorry in advance for making such a long post. Maybe we should make a new thread to discuss this?:

It seems to me that Oni's balance is going to need a lot of work even with cooldown cancelling removed, and the Mercury Bow is hands down the best gun in Oni even without cancelling its cooldown. But I guess I don't know for sure. Am I just missing something? I really can't think of very many specific situations where cooldown cancelling widens the gap that much between the Mercury Bow and the other guns. What is it specifically that you're worried about?

Also, what form is the multiplayer going to take? (Because that's going to heavily affect balance - how much space is available to run around in, how much ammunition players have, et cetera.)

Iritscen wrote:

However, that's the only fix of that sort that is built into the Daodan and the Mac game app.  Any other changes to gameplay in the AE are optional.

Okay, I like that. :) So the midair jumps and rising aerial dodges you can do when you run off edges will still be in?

And guns reloading instantly when you disarm people who are in the middle of reloading? And dropping your gun and catching it before it falls to the ground?

I think that's all the "buggy" mechanics I've found so far, heh.


#440 05/06/10 02:05

From: Seattle, WA, USA
Registered: 08/30/07

Re: Movies

It seems to me that Oni's balance is going to need a lot of work even with cooldown cancelling removed, and the Mercury Bow is hands down the best gun in Oni even without cancelling its cooldown. But I guess I don't know for sure. Am I just missing something? I really can't think of very many specific situations where cooldown cancelling widens the gap that much between the Mercury Bow and the other guns. What is it specifically that you're worried about?

IMO, SBG is the best gun. You can juggle someone easily with the widespread explosions, or hit them with the initial projectile (causing all six explosions to contact, plus a great deal of the flak damage) and get an instakill.

I digress though. The cooldown is there as an attempt to balance the gun. Saying that the gun is imbalanced is no excuse to make it even worse. smile If the cooldown exploit wasn't useful, you wouldn't be making a post about it, would you?

Exploit fix will probably have an option to turn it off, but will be on by default.

Also, what form is the multiplayer going to take? (Because that's going to heavily affect balance - how much space is available to run around in, how much ammunition players have, et cetera.)

Ammo - Server owner\host's choice. smile
Space - I'm pegging the level where you first meet ninja (can't for the life of me remember the name) as about the right size for a map. But any Oni map should work. It's not hard to make a map "smaller" by locking a few doors.

Okay, I like that. smile So the midair jumps and rising aerial dodges you can do when you run off edges will still be in?

Probably, as they aren't blatant exploits, just an oddness of the physics\animation system. If I find a way to fix it, I'll consider it, but it will be a harder fix than this is.

And guns reloading instantly when you disarm people who are in the middle of reloading?

Eventually, that would be nice. It might be tough to tell the game when the gun is actually reloaded though.

And dropping your gun and catching it before it falls to the ground?

Yes, that shouldn't be hard to fix.

I think that's all the "buggy" mechanics I've found so far, heh.

Ok. smile

Iritscen: roll
Iritscen: it's amazing this program even works
Gumby: i know
Iritscen: and that statement applies to my code, not just yours


#441 05/07/10 00:05

From: Karatu, Arusha, Tanzania
Registered: 04/18/10

Re: Movies

Alright, so I have a lot to say regarding your (Gumby's) post, and I figure we shouldn't use more space for this topic in this thread, so I'm going to post a response in a new thread, which should be up momentarily.

EDIT: Also, I've uploaded a new video tonight - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWsAU1ufJo0 . I think I'm satisfied now with my ability to get decent video/audio quality and so on, so I probably won't make any more videos for a while as I work on a combo video.

And also, to keep Mukade from getting hosed by this fast-moving topic again: check out his combo video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR7Z0Wcuuso .

Last edited by Paff (05/07/10 01:05)


#442 05/24/10 08:05

From: Malaysia, Seremban
Registered: 05/23/10

Re: Movies

Credit to Shella45 for put interesting soundtracks

Replica (Yoko Kanno)

Playa (Yoko Kanno)


#443 05/25/10 19:05

From: Malaysia, Seremban
Registered: 05/23/10

Re: Movies

I request the video from my friend and happy that she did it for me.

Mokoto in Crazy Casey


#444 05/25/10 21:05

From: Los Angeles, CA
Registered: 01/13/07

Re: Movies

SVC: I liked those movies.


#445 05/26/10 04:05

From: Malaysia, Seremban
Registered: 05/23/10

Re: Movies

EdT wrote:

SVC: I liked those movies.

don't tell me that, tell the one who make that movie. i just make request on her. the last post i made, is mistaken as "From" which is from lousy dictionary book. LMAO


#446 06/17/10 00:06

From: Karatu, Arusha, Tanzania
Registered: 04/18/10

Re: Movies

Hath Not A Brain Feet? - An Oni Combo Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce9zSWe6BLk

It's finally done. smile


#447 06/17/10 01:06

Registered: 01/13/07

Re: Movies

awesome paff. those are some amazing skills right there yikes  cool

I intentionally spell dang, dange, FYI.


#448 06/17/10 05:06

From: NC, USA
Registered: 10/22/07

Re: Movies

Man, we gotta fix that backbreaker exploit some day  cool

Check out the Anniversary Edition Seven at ae.oni2.net!


#449 06/17/10 13:06

Registered: 06/17/10

Re: Movies

Paff, that was so awesome! smile  lol

Dain bramaged


#450 06/17/10 13:06

From: Ottawa, Ontario - Canada
Registered: 05/29/07

Re: Movies

Iritscen wrote:

Man, we gotta fix that backbreaker exploit some day  cool

I was actually thinking, I'm not sure how this would be done, but IF we could somehow make the enemy being behind you as a seperate condition, that you could make a seperate throw out of that, so instead of them being behind you and popping in front for backbreaker, that instead, they could grab the enemy and fling them over their shoulder or sumthin like that?

Any idea how that would be done? I get the feeling that would require going places where can't or won't go... but I gotta ask

"He looks mean enough to tear my arm off and beat me to death with it. In fact, he looks mean enough to tear his OWN arm off and beat me to death with it."


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