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#426 07/20/11 09:07

From: NC, USA
Registered: 10/22/07

Re: Various New characters Project

Yeah, it's an improvement.

Check out the Anniversary Edition Seven at ae.oni2.net!


#427 07/20/11 11:07

From: Ottawa, Ontario - Canada
Registered: 05/29/07

Re: Various New characters Project

Seeeeeee? Told you >_>

Yeah, looks much better

"He looks mean enough to tear my arm off and beat me to death with it. In fact, he looks mean enough to tear his OWN arm off and beat me to death with it."


#428 07/20/11 17:07

Lukas Kreator
Registered: 05/07/10

Re: Various New characters Project

That is great! I think you just have to improve her hair a little, and maybe the face textures (just to add some quality).


#429 07/20/11 23:07

From: Ottawa, Ontario - Canada
Registered: 05/29/07

Re: Various New characters Project

I still think her cheeks look chubby though...

"He looks mean enough to tear my arm off and beat me to death with it. In fact, he looks mean enough to tear his OWN arm off and beat me to death with it."


#430 07/21/11 04:07

Registered: 02/21/07

Re: Various New characters Project

Can you guys finally direct me to when and how did you finally manage to import whole areas in Oni?


#431 07/21/11 07:07

From: Lebanon
Registered: 09/04/09

Re: Various New characters Project

sektorz this is the arena level : Oni Zen Garden Arena:  http://mods.oni2.net/node/178
install as package

these are the other levels :

Level Maze
Run through the level like a rat to find the cheese.  There will be enemies along the way

DOWNLOAD: http://mods.oni2.net/node/123
DISCUSS: http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/v … hp?id=1506
VIDEO: http://www.twitvid.com/0373B

Junkyard Level

A level with a collection of "junk" with pathfinding grids.  OTA and OZG adapted by EdT
DOWNLOAD: http://mods.oni2.net/node/181
DISCUSS: http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/v … hp?id=1938

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#432 07/21/11 09:07

From: Los Angeles, CA
Registered: 01/13/07

Re: Various New characters Project

How to create new level: http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/v … hp?id=1515

Add pathfinding grids to levels: http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/v … hp?id=1932

Samer: Sorry for getting off topic on your thread.

To get back on topic, I like the darker green, also, what about making the hair longer in the back to match owldreamer's model.


#433 07/21/11 12:07

From: Sweden, Gothenburg
Registered: 02/15/11

Re: Various New characters Project

Very nice! I think her sneakers are a "bit" off though, the darker green is a definite improvement. I agree about her cheeks looking chubby.

EDIT: Come to think of it her whole face looks a bit wierd.

Last edited by Yoriko (07/21/11 12:07)

-I noticed that the hackers of oni community made a lot of modifications before they locked me up, do you have any idea what they want with an old game? -Modifications? What kind of modifications?
-Hard to tell, without getting a look at things but it looks like they're repurposing it. -Why?
-Beats me, all the game has is brutal melee combat and furious gunplay. -I dont like the sound of that.....


#434 07/21/11 16:07

From: Lebanon
Registered: 09/04/09

Re: Various New characters Project

it's the female citizen face, if u think her face is weird then the female citizen has always been weird, i didn't change the face mesh, all i did was use a Severed based face texture, and make the hair "shiny" or cyborg like, changing it would mess up the u.v maps and require additional work that i'm not willing to put on her right now especially when i still have the hammer to make and the trooper to texture.

but i see what mukade is saying abt the cheeks, maybe when it was using the old textures with huge eyes, they drew the attention away from them. but tbh even though i see it i don't feel it's a big enough issue to justify the work that i'll have to put on it.

about the green : i chose the green i used before, cz it matches the green i used on the bgi agent badges. i'll now have to change the badges when i update the agents.

about the feet: a "bit off" doesn't give me much,  but this is the best i can do with them and i think they look pretty good if i say so myself ^_^  this is the feet texture :TXMPhydrafoot.jpg anyone feel free to improve

but for now i consider the hydra's look done, and i'll be working on other characters.

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#435 07/21/11 19:07

From: Lebanon
Registered: 09/04/09

Re: Various New characters Project

texturing the trooper
i don't have a reference so i'm basically modifying the typhoon textures, and i'm changing the u.v maps for each part to fit the textures better, (some of them were upside down :\) so it's taking a little bit more time than i expected.

i made this sketch just to reference the colors so never mind the proportions, i wasn't looking at the model.

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#436 07/21/11 19:07

From: Colorado
Registered: 10/17/08

Re: Various New characters Project

Juggernaut :V

Oni IRC | Kumite! Kumite! Kumite!


#437 07/25/11 18:07

From: Lebanon
Registered: 09/04/09

Re: Various New characters Project

mm I'm in a modding block.

i need some feedback and ideas to get re-motivated.

should i continue texturing the trooper that way ?
is the hydra really not good looking with the current head ? :\

i need some suggestions for a golden tctf armor sketches or images or anything like that.
i need some suggestions for a second shinatama bot outfit and for a second kojiro outit.
for the bgi female boss a third outfit would look something like this :
Elektra_Natchios_(Earth-6109).jpg without the head and maybe skirt instead of the pelvis thing.
but should i make it white or red or green ?

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#438 07/25/11 23:07

From: Colorado
Registered: 10/17/08

Re: Various New characters Project

Maybe white ^^'

Oni IRC | Kumite! Kumite! Kumite!


#439 07/25/11 23:07

Lukas Kreator
Registered: 05/07/10

Re: Various New characters Project

Man, the Hydra's body is great, really great, but the head seems to come from a game of 2001 smile
You just have to fix that and the Hydra will be ready.

For the golden armor, the color we (don't remember who XD) showed you in the chat was completely perfect. For the armor design, it is basically a stronger body, with some tech stuff. Take a look at Iron Man and similar heroes, and maybe the roman soldiers. However, I recommend that you don't make a helmet.

Last edited by Lukas Kreator (07/25/11 23:07)


#440 07/26/11 02:07

Lukas Kreator
Registered: 05/07/10

Re: Various New characters Project

I don't understand a word of what he said. Anyway, I would suggest a better anti-bot protection :\


#441 07/26/11 02:07

From: Lebanon
Registered: 09/04/09

Re: Various New characters Project

lukas u shouldn't reply to spam bots, harry said so before, it attracts more bots.

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#442 07/26/11 02:07

Lukas Kreator
Registered: 05/07/10

Re: Various New characters Project

Ah, sorry, I really didn't know that.


You could paint some robots white to accompany the BGI cyborgs, and then make an OTA with that.

Last edited by Lukas Kreator (07/26/11 15:07)


#443 07/26/11 22:07

From: Lebanon
Registered: 09/04/09

Re: Various New characters Project

"but the head seems to come from a game of 2001 smile"

it is a 2001 game ... i don't know what else to do with it :\ i wanted her hair to look synthetic and wig like. the other available head meshes don't look any better. the better head mesh available is konoko hd which will end up making her too "konokishy" and causing buffer overflow probably, cause i had high poly count in the body.
and she's just supposed to be the bgi equivalent of a fury, not a main character, that's why i'm not really motivated to put so much more detail and effort into her.
compared to the other available characters, not to the bgi boss or HD konoko whose head and hair was designed by professionals.

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#444 07/26/11 23:07

Lukas Kreator
Registered: 05/07/10

Re: Various New characters Project

Maybe try to make it lighter. But well, if that doesn't work, then the current hair will do.

(Also, I'm not totally sure if you got it, but the 2001 joke was intended)


#445 07/26/11 23:07

From: Lebanon
Registered: 09/04/09

Re: Various New characters Project

yeah i got it .. smile

anyway topic change tongue ! has anyone ever noticed additional taunts for the fury and tanker in particular ?

was exploring sounds and found a taunt for the fury that says "I'm All THAT !"

and for tanker he has some funny stuff like "OH BABY !!" and "BOO HAA!"
i personally never heard them in game

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#446 07/27/11 05:07

Dirk Gently
From: Boston, MA
Registered: 06/12/09

Re: Various New characters Project

Samer wrote:

"but the head seems to come from a game of 2001 smile"

it is a 2001 game ... i don't know what else to do with it :\ i wanted her hair to look synthetic and wig like. the other available head meshes don't look any better. the better head mesh available is konoko hd which will end up making her too "konokishy" and causing buffer overflow probably, cause i had high poly count in the body.
and she's just supposed to be the bgi equivalent of a fury, not a main character, that's why i'm not really motivated to put so much more detail and effort into her.
compared to the other available characters, not to the bgi boss or HD konoko whose head and hair was designed by professionals.

Ignore the buffer overflow for now.


#447 07/27/11 12:07

From: Sweden, Gothenburg
Registered: 02/15/11

Re: Various New characters Project

Samer wrote:

yeah i got it .. smile

anyway topic change tongue ! has anyone ever noticed additional taunts for the fury and tanker in particular ?

was exploring sounds and found a taunt for the fury that says "I'm All THAT !"

and for tanker he has some funny stuff like "OH BABY !!" and "BOO HAA!"
i personally never heard them in game

I've heard fury say I'm all THAT once but I've never heard the tanker taunts. Did you find them in the sound files or something?

-I noticed that the hackers of oni community made a lot of modifications before they locked me up, do you have any idea what they want with an old game? -Modifications? What kind of modifications?
-Hard to tell, without getting a look at things but it looks like they're repurposing it. -Why?
-Beats me, all the game has is brutal melee combat and furious gunplay. -I dont like the sound of that.....


#448 07/28/11 13:07

From: Lebanon
Registered: 09/04/09

Re: Various New characters Project

@ yoriko : yes i was searching for taunts for the bgi boss - hammer and hydra.

QUESTION : do u guys know what these pointy things on the com guy's shoulder are ?
i always thought they were just part of the armor, and i was thinking to put them on each shoulder for a certain character, but then i thought they maybe antenna .. strikers and elites have some antenna shape thing on their back. if they're antenna then it won't make sense to put them on each shoulder.

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#449 07/28/11 13:07

From: Gilbertsville, PA, USA
Registered: 03/18/11

Re: Various New characters Project

I've always interpreted them as antenna, makes sense that he would have more prominent ones since he is the "Communications Guy".

Here take this hypo!


#450 08/01/11 15:08

From: Lebanon
Registered: 09/04/09

Re: Various New characters Project

does anyone know if it's possible to use two envmaps on 1 texture ?

let's say on a chest texture with armor and leather, is there a way to make the armor use strikerarmor envmap and the rest of the chest texture use superreflect envmap .. is it possible in xml ?

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